
Please click on the program names and visit program web sites for more detailed program information.



项目描述 成本:  申请截止日期:

 秘鲁国旗 秘鲁   (2021年春假) 

学生将有机会有一个 虚拟 experience with one of Latin America's top business schools in 秘鲁, Centrum Business School. 学生将参加虚拟讲座, 使用虚拟协作在小组中工作, and visit manufacturing facilities and cultural sites 虚拟ly. 提供的一门课程是:MNGT 4800 80O -在秘鲁经商. 课程以C语言授课:2021年3月8日至5月6日. 博士联系. F. 加西亚在 fgarcia@sym-biosis.net 了解更多信息.

别忘了申请 道尔顿州立基金会奖学金! 点击这里申请奖学金 






印度  (2021年5月17日至6月14日)

Students will have the opportunity to assist with an established 海龟保护计划 在印度. Students can earn up to 7 credit hours by taking BIOL 3550 (Conservation Biology) and/or BIOL 3500 (Ecology). 博士联系. D. 盖拉德在 dgaillard@sym-biosis.net 了解更多信息.


别忘了申请 道尔顿州立基金会奖学金! 点击这里申请奖学金 




USG走向全球 (更多信息) 

项目名称:  项目描述 成本:  申请截止日期:

英国国旗英国——伦敦  (2021年7月1日至7月29日)

为期五周的伦敦学习项目, you will live in the part of this great city that has housed William Shakespeare, 查尔斯·狄更斯, 维吉尼亚Woolfe, 和其他伟大的作家.  You will be minutes away from the theatre district and Trafalgar Square, and within walking distance of the British Museum and its extraordinary collections.  You can explore London’s vast and beautiful parks- 海德 Park, St. 詹姆斯, 和格林公园——然后沿着泰晤士河走向大本钟, 威斯敏斯特教堂, 以及国会大厦.  伦敦还提供前往欧洲所有主要城市的便捷通道. TBD



 法国国旗法国巴黎   (2021年6月30日至8月2日)

巴黎有数不清的博物馆, 咖啡馆, and medieval streets that wind around contemporary 体系结构. 一个非常偏僻的城市, Paris is an invitation to experience all the world's cultures while maintaining a proud and distinctly French feeling. Picture yourself spending a summer studying in the “City of Light,“没有围墙的博物馆”,” immersed in history and surrounded by some of the world’s finest art, 体系结构, 和音乐. TBD



西班牙国旗Spain-Madrid  (2021年6月15日- 7月26日)

考虑夏天在马德里学习, the geographic center of Spain and the historic center of the entire Hispanic world. The city of four million is a modern European hub with state-of-the-art transportation and cyber cafes, but its Old World charm shines through in its long afternoon siestas, 它的人民热情友好, 以及西班牙辉煌历史的宏伟纪念碑. Students will have the opportunity to live in a typical Madrid neighborhood popular for students, 在小吃吧吃, 参观世界级博物馆, 享受这个充满活力的城市的生活. From practicing Spanish language skills to learning about ancient world history, Madrid is an ideal location for any student hoping to gain an exciting, 信息丰富的, 以及富有成效的跨文化体验.



德国国旗德国  (2021年6月15日至29日)

Experience the diversity of 德国’s culture and landscape on this two-week multi-city program while focusing your studies on 环境可持续性 and developing communication skills in your development as a conscientious and engaged global citizen. 在年轻时开始你的旅程, 艺术, and hip Berlin as you explore how this cosmopolitan city and its inhabitants have changed from the cultural avant-garde of the Weimar Republic to the devastation of World War II, and then rebuilding from a divided city symbolizing the Cold War a reunified and renewed capital representing the best of modern environmental design. Humans feel more connected to nature in the urban cities we will explore in 德国 due to forests, 花园, 和公园. 享受学习令人惊叹的中世纪和现代建筑, 当地的美食, 博物馆, 大教堂, and castles as you travel by train or bus to the Bavarian region to see the charm of Nuremburg.



爱尔兰国旗Ireland-沃特福德    (2021年6月10日- 7月15日)
在爱尔兰最古老的城市生活和学习五周! 看看文化, 艺术, and historical treasures which have made Ireland a destination for generations.  沃特福德, 曾经是维京人的定居点, retains much of its medieval character together with graceful 大教堂 and townhouses from its 18th century expansion. The program fee includes program trips to Dublin, a three-day stay in Killarney, Co. 克里在崎岖的爱尔兰西部, and eight day trips across the gorgeous mountains and valleys of southeastern Ireland to take in some of Europe’s most outstanding castles, 庄严的房屋, 花园, 教会网站, 还有史前遗迹.



葡萄牙国旗葡萄牙的波尔图街头  (2021年6月9日至6月24日)


Imagine yourself living in a gorgeous UNESCO World Heritage City wedged between a famed river with UNESCO World Heritage Center status and 2,青翠的山丘上有千年历史的古老葡萄园. 波尔图, the second largest city in Portugal is listed as a staple on best places to visit in Europe and only a three hour train ride away from Lisbon. Studying in 波尔图 offers you sparkling lovely beaches and fresh Atlantic Ocean air. It is a lively and youthful place to live with numerous colleges and universities. 所有这些因素都肯定会支持你的游戏的粘性 出国留学 学习经验.




苏格兰旗Scotland-Edinburgh  (2021年5月22日至6月4日)        or  (2021年6月5日- 6月18日)
Come walk the same streets as did historic figures as Mary Queen of Scots, 亚当•斯密, 和威廉·华莱士, and see the sites that inspired such literary figures as Harry Potter, 福尔摩斯, 约翰字谜, 博士和. 杰基尔和先生. 海德. 曾经被称为“老Reekie”,“今天的爱丁堡因其建筑而闻名于世, 大学, and castle as well as for producing some of the world’s most well-known writers such as JK Rowling, 沃尔特•斯科特, 柯南·道尔爵士, 罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森. 除了皇家哩路这样的历史遗迹, 苏格兰国家博物馆, 爱丁堡城堡, 卡尔顿山, 还有格雷弗雷尔的柯克, 爱丁堡还拥有一流的餐厅, 活泼的酒吧, 欣欣向荣的戏剧和音乐舞台, 也是苏格兰的政治中心.




China-Zhengzhou    (2021年5月17日- 6月14日)

Earn six semester hours of credits in four weeks while traveling to four different locations in China, ranging from some of the world's oldest cities to UNESCO World Geological sites. Choose from many courses taught by USG faculty members in English. 享受广泛的实地考察, 远足, 寄宿家庭探访, and cultural enrichment classes to truly absorb the Chinese experience.






项目名称:  成本:  申请截止日期:
比利时国旗 比利时-高等学校-布鲁塞尔大学(HUB)   一个学期的商业课程
中国国旗中国-郑州大学   学期的计划
中国国旗中国海南医科大学   学期的计划
韩国国旗〇韩国 韩国技术教育学院 (KoreaTech)   学期或暑期课程
韩国国旗〇韩国 高丽交通大学 (克努特)   学期或暑期课程
韩国国旗〇韩国 东国大学   学期或暑期课程
台湾旗台湾- - - - - -国立政治大学. 国际事务学院   学期或暑期课程